
AJAX: The Technology that Saved the Web

Excerpt by Don Kiely

Many people see Ajax as the technology that saved the Web, that made it possible to create much richer Web 2.0 applications than was ever possible using just HTML and plain old JavaScript.

This course excerpt was originally posted October 16, 2012 from the online courseware ASP.NET 4 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# by Don Kiely

Be the Smart Employee

By Martin Schaeferle

There was a time when having computer skills defined you as a bit of a "geek". Then all of the geeks became millionaires, and suddenly, having at least a modicum of computer savvy became extremely important.

This blog entry was originally posted October 15, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle

The jQuery User Interface Library: Small but Mighty

Excerpt by Don Kiely

One of the major benefits of jQuery is that the core library is quite small, just 83KB for the minified version.

This course excerpt was originally posted October 11, 2012 from the online courseware ASP.NET 4 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# by Don Kiely

HTML5: A Leg Up In Your Company

By Martin Schaeferle

Having a firm grasp of HTML5 can vastly increase your job opportunities and make you much more attractive to potential, or current, employers.

This blog entry was originally posted October 10, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle