
Be the Smart Employee

By Martin Schaeferle | October 15, 2012


There was a time when having computer skills defined you as a bit of a "geek". Then all of the geeks became millionaires, and suddenly, having at least a modicum of computer savvy became extremely important. Nowadays, having a working knowledge of computer programming and web design can lead to promotions at work, career stability, and an increased salary. It pays to spend some time learning how your computer works from the inside out.

Online courses, such as video tutorials for C#, or a Visual Studio 2010 tutorial video, can help you get started on the road to increased computer knowledge. Visual Studio know-how will make you invaluable in developing web sites and mobile applications, and for debugging any existing problems. C# has proven itself as a first class language, so becoming proficient in it will keep you marketable for many years to come.

Gone are the days when computer knowledge was synonymous with video games and bad fashion. Today, understanding computers is vital to the success of a business, and positioning yourself as the employee with that understanding is a smart move.

Martin Schaeferle

Martin Schaeferle has taught IT professionals nationwide to develop applications using Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, and XML. He has been a featured speaker at Microsoft Tech-Ed and the Microsoft NCD Channel Summit, and he specializes in developing Visual Basic database applications, COM-based components, and ASP-based Web sites. In addition to writing and presenting technical training content, Martin is also LearnNowOnline's vice president of technology.

This blog entry was originally posted October 15, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle