
jQuery: Sticking to Commitments

By Don Kiely

Microsoft made two commitments when it decided to embrace jQuery as its one and only client-side JavaScript library.

This blog entry was originally posted October 22, 2012 by Don Kiely

Feel the Power of Web Design

By Martin Schaeferle

Knowledge is power and nowhere is this more apparent than in the world of web design.

This blog entry was originally posted October 19, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle

Pulling Out the Big Gun: The Ajax Method

Excerpt by Don Kiely

All of the Ajax features in jQuery are convenience methods that make using Ajax fairly easy for the most common scenarios.

This course excerpt was originally posted October 18, 2012 from the online courseware ASP.NET 4 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# by Don Kiely

Become a Tech Master in Record Time

By Martin Schaeferle

Having someone tell you how to do something verbally is not always effective. Think of all the times you have attempted to fix an appliance or repair something while talking with support staff over the phone.

This blog entry was originally posted October 17, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle