
Windows App Store Apps not Equivalent to WPF and Silverlight

By Ken Getz

When working on a chapter for the Windows Store Apps using C# and XAML course, I was surprised to find that both the RadialGradientBrush and the OpacityMask are not available for Windows Store apps.

This blog entry was originally posted October 09, 2012 by Ken Getz

Adding and Removing Page Elements with jQuery

Excerpt by Don Kiely

Not only can you change the appearance of the page with jQuery and update the content of elements on the page, you can even add and remove elements to and from the page dynamically!

This course excerpt was originally posted October 09, 2012 from the online courseware ASP.NET 4 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# by Don Kiely

jQuery: Compressed vs Uncompressed, the Choice is Yours

Excerpt by Don Kiely

The difference in the two files is that the development version is human readable with lots of whitespace and generous amounts of comments to help you understand the code.

This course excerpt was originally posted October 05, 2012 from the online courseware ASP.NET 4 AJAX and jQuery Using Visual C# by Don Kiely

Tutorial Videos Help Beginners And Pros Learn More

By Martin Schaeferle

Learning how to use any new development tool like Visual Studio 2010 can be challenging, and learning a programming language like C# can be as difficult as learning the written word of another culture.

This blog entry was originally posted October 04, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle