
Go Ahead and Be Geeky

By Martin Schaeferle

There was a time when computer programming was considered something that only "geeks" did. Anyone who spent all of his or her time in front of a computer clearly had no social life.

When is your PC not your PC?

By Martin Schaeferle

Since growing up in Seattle I have always been a big proponent of Microsoft. One of the key characteristics of Microsoft's software that kept me loyal was that they always gave me enough rope to hang myself with.

This blog entry was originally posted September 25, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle

It's Cleanup Time, Entity Data Model Style

By Martin Schaeferle

As good and useful as a model generated using database-first design can be-it is highly dependent on the quality of the underlying database design.

This blog entry was originally posted September 24, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle

Learning A New Programming Language

By Martin Schaeferle

Microsoft's .NET interpreted languages are some of the easiest to learn and some of the easiest to use to develop fully functional software applications.

This blog entry was originally posted September 21, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle