
7 Benefits of jQuery

By Martin Schaeferle

jQuery makes using a Web page's DOM, adding effects to the page, animating elements, and executing Ajax calls to the server extremely simple, hiding the complexity of the underlying JavaScript.

This blog entry was originally posted October 03, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle

Don't Waste your Time on Training

By Martin Schaeferle

How many times have you heard people say, "I am definitely not going to waste my time going to that instructor led class" or "that self study training is a waste of time, not for me"?

Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds

By Martin Schaeferle

Learning a technology does not have to be a stressful task that takes away from your daily life.

This blog entry was originally posted October 01, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle

ObjectContext's SavingChanges Event

By Martin Schaeferle

ObjectContext's SavingChanges event lets you validate or change data before Entity Framework sends it to the database.

This blog entry was originally posted September 28, 2012 by Martin Schaeferle