Learning A New Programming Language
By Martin Schaeferle | September 21, 2012
Microsoft's .NET interpreted languages are some of the easiest to learn and some of the easiest to use to develop fully functional software applications. Visual Basic has long been used as a training language - it's easy to learn, but not particularly robust. C++ on the other hand is the granddaddy of the modern programming language. Object-oriented with sophisticated memory management, it's the professional language of choice for software development. But, it's very difficult to learn.
A popular choice is Visual C#. It combines the object-oriented power of C++ with the simplicity of Visual Basic. It's very easy to learn. There are several ways to learn a new programming language. Programming books come loaded with samples and often include actual code on a CD or as downloads. Don't have enough time for a book? Just choose a visual studio 2010 tutorial video and start building some software.