
XAML Transforms: Avoiding Absolute Coordinates

By Ken Getz

You can solve many drawing issues using a transform-that is, a class that alters the way the shape is drawn using mathematical manipulations.

This blog entry was originally posted February 05, 2013 by Ken Getz

How HTML5 May Loosen Apple's Grip on the Mobile Apps Market

By Martin Schaeferle

In a recent article we talked about how Steve Jobs, back in 2010, criticized the highly-proprietary nature of Adobe's Flash.

This blog entry was originally posted February 04, 2013 by Martin Schaeferle

XAML LinearGradientBrush: Rotating the Gradient

By Ken Getz

In a previous article we started discussing brushes, specifically the SolidColorBrush. This article switches focus to the LinearGradientBrush and rotating gradients.

This blog entry was originally posted February 01, 2013 by Ken Getz

Programmers Increasingly Using Sharepoint for Mission-Critical Apps

By Martin Schaeferle

In the world of applications, there are basic, everyday applications, and then there are mission-critical applications. Think Microsoft Calendar versus a highly complex financial transaction system at a bank.

This blog entry was originally posted January 31, 2013 by Martin Schaeferle