
How HTML5 May Loosen Apple's Grip on the Mobile Apps Market

By Martin Schaeferle | February 04, 2013

In a recent article we talked about how Steve Jobs, back in 2010, criticized the highly-proprietary nature of Adobe's Flash. By being an entirely closed system, the argument goes, applications development is far more arduous that it would be in a more open system. The irony, of course, is that this criticism is coming from Steve Jobs, whose Apple isn't exactly a paragon of openness. After all, the only way for iPhone and iPad users to load apps onto their devices is through Apple's app store. (Things are a little more open on Google's Android platform.)

But the irony only thickens when you realize that the technology that will loosen Apple's grip on the mobile market - HTML5 - is precisely what Flash was not: an open, developer-friendly language that supports functionality that, until now, were only available for devices on native applications. If it sounds too good to be true - well... be prepared to be surprised. Our HTML5 tutorial will show you how it can support video, offline reading, and a whole host of other functions that would previously require other platforms and software.




Martin Schaeferle

Martin Schaeferle has taught IT professionals nationwide to develop applications using Visual Basic, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, and XML. He has been a featured speaker at Microsoft Tech-Ed and the Microsoft NCD Channel Summit, and he specializes in developing Visual Basic database applications, COM-based components, and ASP-based Web sites. In addition to writing and presenting technical training content, Martin is also LearnNowOnline's vice president of technology.

This blog entry was originally posted February 04, 2013 by Martin Schaeferle