Introduction to Developing with Ruby on Rails

with expert Jordan Hudgens

In this webinar we will start creating a full-featured web application using the Ruby on Rails framework. In order to accomplish this we will be leveraging a number of tools in addition to Rails—Heroku for easily deploying to the Internet, and then GitHub for our version control management system. This session will conclude with us creating the app and pushing the code to a centralized Github repository, along with learning how to use the Unix terminal commands.

This webinar was originally recorded on October 08, 2014.


Jordan Hudgens

Jordan Hudgens has certifications for Ruby on Rails, Thinkful; Ruby on Rails,; Front End Development, Thinkful; and AngularJS, Thinkful. He is currently vice president of engineering for TRACKR in Midland, Texas and is working on his PhD in Computer Science from Texas Tech. In addition to Ruby, Jordan works with PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Postgres, CSS3, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, and Python. He also works with the frameworks Rails (Ruby), Zend (PHP), and Django (Python), plus the libraries AngularJS, jQuery, and Backbone.js.

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