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SharePoint Development in the Cloud

with expert Philip Wheat

Cloud is all the rage right now, and one of the interesting items that is happening is that development is moving there as well. For example, did you realize that you can fully develop, deploy, and even market SharePoint Applications by exclusively using the cloud? In this session we'll look at using "Napa" and Office 365 to create a SharePoint App without having to install any software on your local computer.

This webinar was originally recorded on March 21, 2014.


Philip Wheat

Philip Wheat is an industry veteran who has been active in the computer industry for over 20 years. With experience stretching back to the beginnings of the PC era, he has remained active on the leading edges of technology, focusing on embedded systems, knowledge management, and sensor technologies. He is one of the few who has worked with SharePoint since the original beta, has built his own microprocessor, and has had robotics projects featured in the press and TV shows around the world.

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