Digital Security Awareness, Part 4 of 4: Security

with expert Kenneth Mayer

This course will explore types of security threats, both digital and physical. First security end to end, piracy and security policies in both physical security and computer security will be covered. Next, a look at encryption followed by intellectual property and types of piracy. It will finish with discussion of Education and awareness of employees.

Beginner | 1h 56m | December 29, 2017


Course Outline

Kenneth Mayer

As a certified Microsoft Instructor, Ken has focused his career on various security aspects of computer and network technology since the early 1980s. He has offered a wide variety of IT training and high level consulting projects for Fortune 500 companies globally. Through the course of his extensive career, he has taught a full line of Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco, and other high level IT Security curricula.

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