SharePoint 2013, Part 1 of 3: Features, Delivery, and Development
with expert Doug Ware
In this course we’ll take a look at what SharePoint is all about and then jump right in to show you the new team site and how it lets you store and sync files between your local computer and SharePoint with SkyDrive Pro. Next we’ll start a high level survey of the major features found in SharePoint Server 2013, for such things as the ways SharePoint helps people collaborate. Then we’ll start by looking at some of the business intelligence features, and then we’ll look at complimentary products that make SharePoint 2013 even better.
Beginner | 1h 45m | February 11, 2013
SharePoint DevelopmentSharePoint
Course OutlineDoug Ware
Doug Ware is a SharePoint expert and an instructor for many of our SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010 courses. A Microsoft MVP several times over, Doug is the leader of the Atlanta .NET User Group, one of the largest user groups in the Southeast U.S., and is a frequent speaker at code camps and other events. In addition to teaching and writing about SharePoint, Doug stays active as a consultant and has helped numerous organizations implement and customize SharePoint.