SharePoint 2013 Power User, Part 3 of 3: Pages and Solutions

with expert Adam Levithan

A lot of time and effort is spent on the reviewing and explaining of large scale features and capabilities of the SharePoint infrastructure. However the power to create business solutions is born out of relatively small built in features. SharePoint 2013 has made great strides toward providing the highly interactive structure and social or unstructured collaboration experiences that users are becoming accustomed to with their commercial applications. First I am going to show you how some normally over looked features of adding and editing pages and web parts can truly add value to your organization. Second we’ll take a look at the rebuilt personal sites and the new news feed capabilities and we’ll take a look at the updates to the blog template and review the completely new community site. Finally we’ll focus on a few advanced lists and web parts that SharePoint 2013 relies on to solve some common power user issues of updating styles on a page and centralizing information. Included in this discussion is how to move simple spreadsheets into you collaboration environment. With this information in hand you’ll be able to answer the question “Why should we use SharePoint?”

Beginner | 2h 13m | December 18, 2013

SharePoint Business UserSharePoint

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Adam Levithan

Adam Levithan is a senior consultant at Portal Solutions, LLC, a leading technology consulting firm that plans, designs, and deploys highly effective digital workplace solutions to connect employees and information. He is an experienced writer, instructor, and speaker, as well as a Virtual Technology Specialist (vTSP) for Microsoft, assisting in the communication and benefits of the Microsoft collaboration suite. Adam is a seasoned business strategist, SharePoint advocate, and information architect focusing his skills on designing information management and collaboration solutions. He is passionate about the capabilities of the SharePoint platform and is an advocate for customers to improve the retention and findability of information.

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