Introduction to R, Part 2 of 3: Advanced Types and Operators
with expert Kevin McCarty
Complex tasks require more complex variables—variables that contain multiple values, often of different types and ways to interact with these variables beyond simple assignments and value reads. R provides many more advanced types to handle these sorts of complex tasks, such as vectors, arrays, and lists. Explore these advanced types and learn how to create and use them in your code. Take a look at some of the functions R provides for working with advanced types and find out how using them will allow you to create elegant and efficient R solutions. See the operators in action, and become more comfortable with R.
Beginner | 1h 40m | February 09, 2017
Course OutlineKevin McCarty
Kevin McCarty is a computer professional with over 30 years of experience in the industry as a programmer, project manager, database administrator, architect, and data scientist. He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer with over 25 individual certifications in programming and database technologies and serves as the chapter leader of the Boise SQL Server Users Group. A former Army officer and Eagle Scout, he holds a doctorate in Computer Science and a lifelong love of learning.