Gestión de Proyectos, Parte 5 of 8: Riesgos y Planes
with expert Sandy Haydon
It is now time in the project planning process to develop plans for managing risks, procurements, and stakeholders. Each of these areas plays an important role in a project’s success. In this course, we will examine risk management, procurement management, and stakeholder management. Once the plans are in place for these processes, you will be able to start executing project work!
Intermediate | 1h 48m | November 30, 2013
Project ManagementPrivateEspañol
Course OutlineSandy Haydon
Sandy Haydon is a certified project manager in software development and a project management instructor. She has 40 years of experience with IBM as a software developer, manager, and project manager responsible for leading teams located worldwide. Sandy holds a BA in Mathematics and an MA in Management and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and an IBM Senior Certified Project Manager.