Python 3, Part 5 of 6: Programming Tools

with expert Jordan Hudgens

In this course, we’re going to discuss some of the most important tools a Python 3 developer can use for advance implementations. We will introduce you to the high level concepts of various classes and techniques, and close each section with a practical, code-driven example on how you can leverage these techniques in daily development. Specifically, this course will start with an introduction on iterators and generators, followed by discussions on regular expressions, introspection, lambda functions, metaclasses, decorators, and more.

Intermediate | 1h 26m | December 15, 2014

Web DevelopmentWeb FrameworksPython

Course Outline

Jordan Hudgens

Jordan Hudgens has certifications for Ruby on Rails, Thinkful; Ruby on Rails,; Front End Development, Thinkful; and AngularJS, Thinkful. He is currently vice president of engineering for TRACKR in Midland, Texas and is working on his PhD in Computer Science from Texas Tech. In addition to Ruby, Jordan works with PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Postgres, CSS3, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, and Python. He also works with the frameworks Rails (Ruby), Zend (PHP), and Django (Python), plus the libraries AngularJS, jQuery, and Backbone.js.

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