JavaScript, Part 3 of 6: Functions

with expert Don Kiely

JavaScript is the programming language of the World Wide Web, the code that makes a Web page come alive. This focused course will cover: how to define a function, Nesting and Invocation, Parameters, Values, and Closures of Functions.

Beginner | 1h 30m | June 26, 2012

Web DevelopmentJavaScriptASP.NET

Course Outline

Don Kiely

Don Kiely is a featured instructor on many of our SQL Server and Visual Studio courses. He is a nationally recognized author, instructor, and consultant specializing in Microsoft technologies. Don has many years of teaching experience, is the author or co-author of several programming books, and has spoken at many industry conferences and user groups. In addition, Don is a consultant for a variety of companies that develop distributed applications for public and private organizations.

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