Meet Our Experts
Scott Cate
Scott Cate is the president of a technology company specializing in commercial ASP.NET applications. He is the co-author of the book "Beginning AJAX with ASP.NET" and leader of the Arizona .NET User Group, one of the largest and most active user group communities in the country. Scott has been selected as a Microsoft MVP for ASP.NET for several years in a row and is a member of, a group devoted to providing early feedback directly to the Microsoft ASP.NET Team.
ASP.NET AJAX Using Visual C# 2005
Microsoft has provided the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, a set of assemblies based on the .NET Framework 2.0, which makes AJAX style web programming extremely simple. A task that used to take weeks; is now simplified to a drag and drop operation.This cour...
ASP.NET AJAX Using Visual Basic 2005
In tMicrosoft has provided the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, a set of assemblies based on the .NET Framework 2.0, which makes AJAX style web programming extremely simple. A task that used to take weeks; is now simplified to a drag and drop operation.This ...