Course description
Microsoft's ASP.NET Core 6 platform is everything you need to build rich, interactive front end web UI and powerful back-end services. This course will get you proficient with MVC through building a project. Topics covered in this part of the series include: creating a project and understanding Razor pages, application DB context Category action methods, creating category and bind properties, as well as client side data similar to how it works in MVC.
• 3-6 months of C# experience
• Basic SQL knowledge
• Basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge.
previous parts of this course.
Meet the expert
I have a master's of science degree in computer science, and a bachelor of Computer Engineering. I also have many years of experience with .NET, C#, and .NET MVC. I enjoy teaching along with my full-time job.
Course outline
Module 4
Project Introduction (22:51)
- Introduction (00:08)
- Introduction (01:33)
- Create Project (02:29)
- Whats Different (00:51)
- Razor Pages Introduction (01:01)
- Default Views (07:51)
- Create Category Model (02:21)
- Data Annotations (02:38)
- Connection String (03:47)
- Summary (00:08)
Application Db Context (23:34)
- Introduction (00:08)
- Application DB Context (04:14)
- Program.cs Database Settings (05:14)
- Create Database (05:41)
- Categories Get Action Method (08:08)
- Summary (00:08)
Display All Categories (17:39)
- Introduction (00:08)
- Display All Categories (07:43)
- Add Create Category Button (02:26)
- Create Category UI (03:11)
- Create Property In Page Model (04:02)
- Summary (00:08)
Module 5
Create Category and Bind Property (21:24)
- Introduction (00:08)
- Create Category And Bind Property (06:39)
- Bootswatch (05:32)
- Server Side Validations (05:20)
- Custom Validations (03:36)
- Summary (00:08)
Display Name and Range Annotation (23:43)
- Introduction (00:08)
- Display Name And Range Annotation (03:20)
- Client Side Validations (04:09)
- Links For Edit And Delete (03:32)
- Edit Category (08:00)
- Back To List (04:23)
- Summary (00:08)
Delete Category (17:53)
- Introduction (00:08)
- Delete Category (03:38)
- Tempdata (03:21)
- Toastr (03:08)
- Partial Views (04:15)
- Scaffold Crud Pages (02:54)
- Back To Bulky (00:19)
- Summary (00:08)