
When Apps Need to Be Delivered Better, Faster & Cheaper, Visual Studio Can Help

By Martin Schaeferle

Application development is the foundation of any successful business. And the prevailing mantra among developers is to bring a product to market "better, faster, and cheaper" than the competition.

This blog entry was originally posted February 18, 2013 by Martin Schaeferle

Windows 8 Using XAML: Using the PointAnimation Class

By Ken Getz

Much like the animation class we discussed in a previous article, the PointAnimation class allows you to animate a property that represents a point.

This blog entry was originally posted February 15, 2013 by Ken Getz

Understanding the Robust Integration Capabilities of SharePoint

By Martin Schaeferle

Rolling out an out-of-the-box IT solution can be difficult and costly. But it has one thing going for it: this plug and play approach minimizes the need for complex back-end integration.

This blog entry was originally posted February 15, 2013 by Martin Schaeferle

Windows 8 using XAML: Animation Class and Enabling Animation

By Ken Getz

In Windows 8, animations are an integral part of the user experience. As you work with various Windows Store applications (or the built in user interface), you'll find animations at every turn.

This blog entry was originally posted February 13, 2013 by Ken Getz