
Record Management in SharePoint 2010

Excerpt by John Underwood

SharePoint 2007 supported only the Records Center site template for records management, and did not provide support for records management for individual libraries on non-Records Center sites.

This course excerpt was originally posted October 01, 2013 from the online courseware SharePoint 2010: Enterprise Content Management by John Underwood

Data Annotations

Excerpt by James Curtis

One of the many benefits of separating the concerns of the models, views, and controllers in an MVC application is that each of the three components is able to contain all of the code with which it is concerned.


This course excerpt was originally posted October 01, 2013 from the online courseware MVC 4.0, Part 04 of 11: Working with Data by James Curtis

Document Sets

Excerpt by John Underwood

When users work with documents, there are occasions where more than one document is related to a particular task or project.

This course excerpt was originally posted October 01, 2013 from the online courseware SharePoint 2010: Enterprise Content Management by John Underwood

LINQ and Relational Data

Excerpt by Ken Getz

At its most basic level, LINQ provides the ability to query any data source that supports the IEnumerable or generic IEnumerable(T) interface.

This course excerpt was originally posted September 20, 2013 from the online courseware Windows 8 Using XAML, Part 09: Views, Binding, and Templates by Ken Getz